Missing panel items (was Re: Default Desktop Experience for 11.04 - User testing results)

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 18 14:03:03 UTC 2011

On Apr 18, 2011, at 04:11 PM, Alin-Andrei wrote:

>>* The weather notifier is missing.  I really like this little notifier so I
>>know when to throw open the windows and get some fresh air!
>Install the "indicator-weather" package - it's in the official Natty repos

Thanks, done.  Now what?  I don't know how to add indicators to the Unity top
panel.  System settings has nothing appropriate, and right-clicking on the
panel does nothing.

Please note, I'm deliberately trying to wear a newbie hat.

>>* System monitor.  I like this little applet because it gives me a quick
>>to take the pulse of my system.   How hard it's running, is there a lot of
>>network activity going on, etc.
>For the CPU and memory usage you can use System Monitor Indicator [1]

>>* Force quit.  Some times you just need it and a kill -9 just isn't easy to
>>get to.
>There's no appindicator for this, but you can create a .desktop file (just
>copy any from /usr/share/applications/ on your desktop and edit it as a
>template), and under "Exec" enter "xkill", then drag and drop this .desktop
>file to the Unity launcher. Then to force an application to close, click
>this icon, then click the window you want to close.
>I hope this helps :)

It does, and thanks.  But do understand that from a non-technical user's
perspective, these are regressions from the classic desktop, both in missing
features and the ability to add them to the top panel.

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