Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Thu Apr 14 19:27:46 UTC 2011

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Mackenzie Morgan <macoafi at> wrote:
> I saw a complaint about Dropbox & Keepass yesterday
> I haven't tried Skype, but seeing as it's proprietary (Dropbox too, I
> think?) I doubt they'd modify to fit the indicators

Dropbox works with indicators in their forum builds:

They've also adapted to fit the icon theme, so it looks nice. In the
past they've waited until like beta-ish to fix things up (their
previous stable release does support app indicators in 10.10), and
considering they always almost usually update their repository when we
release I've no doubt they'll sort it out in time.

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
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