Test version of Upstart with full chroot support available

Steffen Barszus steffenbpunkt at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 9 15:15:49 UTC 2011

On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 16:51:48 +0100
James Hunt <james.hunt at canonical.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi All,
> As a precursor to pushing this update out to Natty next week, I've
> updated my upstart-testing PPA with Upstart version 0.9.5-1ubuntu1:
> 	ppa:jamesodhunt/upstart-testing
> Code is here:
> 	lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/natty/upstart/fix-chroot-sessions
> As the name suggests, chroots should now work fully [1], but we are
> keen to solicit feedback from the community.

Any special one needs to care about ? Does that mean also user upstart
jobs will be supported by this ? 

BTW: with that version you can easily kill your machine by creating a
user upstart job and start that by that user :) 

Also if its supposed to support user upstart jobs, it should be more
clearly be stated how to expect that should work. If not you should
remove the details about that from manpage. 

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