brainstorming for UDS-N - Application Developers

Bruno Girin brunogirin at
Tue Sep 28 23:00:59 BST 2010

On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 14:31 -0700, Rick Spencer wrote:
> We want to empower, engage and harness application developers to develop
> on and for Ubuntu. These sessions cover the many elements in achieving
> that goal.
> What's high on your list for this area?

A tutorial on how to go from "quickly create my-cool-project" to having
the application available in Ubuntu, including:
      * Very quick introduction on Quickly using a "hello world" example
        (not a quickly or python manual, this material already exists
        and interested devs will find it)
      * How to upload the code to Launchpad
      * How to build and package the application
      * How to get the application in Ubuntu
      * How to deal with bug reports, provide updates, etc.

A simple overview of the essential libraries and components that make up
Ubuntu, geared towards developers who may not be intimate with how they
all interact together, e.g.:
      * What's DBus for, when would you use it and how?
      * What's DesktopCouch, when would you use it and how?
      * Where should you store config and data files?
      * What's gstreamer, cairo, glib, etc?
      * Major libraries and APIs that you can rely on being shipped with
        a default Ubuntu install,
      * etc.

My £0.02


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