brainstorming for UDS-N - Graphics

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Sep 29 02:25:01 BST 2010

On Tuesday, September 28, 2010 05:28:25 pm Allison Randal wrote:
> The Graphics track is about graphics stacks and capabilities across
> Ubuntu editions, including broad feature support and a modern
> compositing experience.
> What's high on your list for this area?
> Allison

It will surprise no one who's been involved in the X stack this cycle that 
consistency and stability on a range of hardware is high on my list for this 
cycle.  The Ubuntu X team had to do a lot of really hard work to get us in 
shape for this release and I feel we just barely made it.

I know there will be upstream participation from Kwin and I believe Compiz 
developers and so I'd like to work to have better synchronization between what 
they are doing and what is supported in the FOSS X stack.

Scott K

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