Sponsoring Tools

Benjamin Drung bdrung at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 27 23:39:07 BST 2010

Am Donnerstag, den 02.09.2010, 17:43 +0200 schrieb Stefano Rivera:
> Hi Andrew (2010.09.02_16:57:02_+0200)
> > andrew at andrew-laptop:~$ ack-sync
> > ack-sync: command not found
> ack-sync is in the ubuntu-dev-tools source, but not binary packages.
> > andrew at andrew-laptop:~$ sponsor-patch
> > sponsor-patch: command not found
> sponsor-patch will be in the next version of ubuntu-dev-tools.
> You probably also want an up to date update-maintainer, if you are going
> to use sponsor-patch.

We have ubuntu-dev-tools 0.104 in maverick now, which includes
sponsor-patch. If you still use lucid, you can grab it from my backport
PPA [1].

[1] https://launchpad.net/~bdrung/+archive/backports

Benjamin Drung
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Maintainer (www.debian.org)
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