Sponsoring Tools

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 06:02:25 BST 2010

On Wednesday, September 01, 2010 10:35:27 am Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> we all know that it'd be great if more sponsoring was done.
> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ always is packed with stuff.

I've tried looking at that page, and I end up having no idea what I can and 
can't sponsor.  "Unseeded" isn't even a guarantee that it's MOTU-able.  I gave 
up trying to figure out what I can sponsor after looking through a handful of 
"Unseeded" packages that were part of Main (a few times without the 
forethought to check that it's in Universe before applying and building and 
testing the patch).  So I end up just sponsoring whatever comes from people on 
IRC going "hi, can you sponsor this Universe package for me?"  

Yeah, I know it's bad to ignore the queue, but I waste less time when it's 
explicitly stated by the requester on IRC that it's a Universe package than 
when I go through all the motions only to have the buildd kick it out because 
I don't have upload rights for the package.


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