brainstorming for UDS-N - Package Selection and Defaults

Barry Warsaw barry at
Fri Oct 29 15:39:13 BST 2010

On Oct 26, 2010, at 03:15 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:

>The problem here is that our python handling has been entirely designed
>around the idea that each python extension should be packaged as a single
>python-foo binary package containing support for all supported python
>versions.  So "support" does imply that the binaries for any extensions we
>wish to include in that support, and which are also needed on the CD,
>*will* be included on the CD image, at a fairly significant disk space cost.
>Unless we go back to the drawing board on how we want python packaging to
>work, which I think would be unadvisable while we still haven't gotten a
>clear consensus in the Debian Python community around the previous

It would be worth spending some time in conjunction with the debian-python
mailing list discussing this.  At the moment, I don't have any bright ideas,
and given that Squeeze is in freeze, and we're already on the hook for two
fairly significant transitions (Python 2.7 and dh_python2), I'd say we need to
defer this for now.

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