tool for getting changes between versions of a package

Scott Moser smoser at
Wed Oct 20 21:54:18 BST 2010

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010, Kate Stewart wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 09:31 -0400, Scott Moser wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >    I've got a need to generate a list of changes from manifest 'A' to
> > manifest 'B'.  I know the release for the manifest, and that it contains
> > only packages in main, -updates, -security, and universe.  The manifests looks like:
> >    adduser 3.112ubuntu1
> >    apparmor 2.5-0ubuntu3
> >    apparmor-utils 2.5-0ubuntu3
> >    apport 1.13.3-0ubuntu2
> >    apport-symptoms 0.9
> >    apt
> >
> >    I'm hoping to go through each entry in 'A', and if it is changed in 'B'
> > to get the changes that were done between those two versions.  Ideally I
> > can get bug numbers where they appear in the changelog also.
> >
> >    It seems like something that might have already been done, but I'm not
> > aware of it.  Anyone have something like this ? Or, failing that,
> > suggestions on "best way to do it"?
> Heya Scott,
>    Have you seen the report that Bryce put together for X-org?
> Is it similar to what you're looking for?   Have you come across the
> arsenal project yet?  see:
> At any rate,  I'm very interested this area,  as is Jamie Bennett.  Let
> us know if you want to get together for some brainstorming.

I just pushed what is basically an initial working version to
lp:~smoser/+junk/mfdiff.trunk .  The output isn't terribly pretty, but it
 - walks two manifests (format like above)
 - prints out which packages were added, and which were removed
 - for packages that differed, downloads their changelogs
   and prints out the relevant changelog blocks.

the end goal is to get as close as possible to generating a email like

I generated the above by hand, and that is error prone, and doesn't have
as much info as I'd like.  Ideally, bug references would be links, CVEs
would be highlighted ...


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