brainstorming for UDS-N - Ubuntu the Project

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Thu Oct 14 17:12:20 BST 2010

On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 02:17:41PM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 07:43:39AM -0700, Rick Spencer wrote:
> > 1. I would like us to talk about our Freezes and how we treat them. I
> > think certain projects are *always* breaking freezes. I would like to
> > discuss if we should stop allowing this, or should we change the process
> > to accommodate the needs of these teams, or, perhaps all is fine the way
> > it is. The recent Font FFE might be an instructive case to consider
> > specifically, but there are probably others as well.
> One thing I would suggest looking at is if the projects in question are
> on mis-aligned release schedules.
> Fedora typically releases after Ubuntu, and seems to have a shorter
> freeze period than us.

My impression is that we're fairly good at handling freezes for external
projects.  The ones where our freeze discipline is poor ironically tend
to be those that are principally internal and focused on Ubuntu, and
that goes across the whole team, not just the examples people often like
to use.  To some extent this is an organisational trust thing: in the
case of a freeze exception for an external project there's always a
factor of how well their development practices match up, how much
integration work will be involved, whether there are going to be
pressures from other distributions, etc.; but for an internal project
it's very tempting to say that, oh well, these folks are working within
Ubuntu and they must know what they're doing, and besides we already
decided we wanted this.

Numerically, most of our freeze exceptions actually work out fine, and
as a project we tend to focus on the ones that don't.  However, I'd like
to suggest, perhaps as a strawman, that it has become almost de rigueur
to run Ubuntu development projects with such small amounts of slack that
the odds of requiring a freeze exception are much higher than they ought
to be (and I'm guilty of this myself, so I'm not merely pointing fingers
here).  The sheer number of freeze exceptions that the release team has
to review nowadays is an issue in itself, even if all those freeze
exceptions are absolutely sound.

How much of this is a part of our development culture that we need to
change?  Have we got to the point where people quite naturally compare
themselves against their peers and say "he seems to get more done than I
do, so I'd better push a few more things in as freeze exceptions so that
I can catch up"?  The work items tracker is good for assessing future
capacity, but if many of us are trying to get their numbers as good as
possible on that, are we neglecting stabilisation as a result?  How can
we reward principled and thoughtful decisions to leave things to the
next cycle when they'll be readier for widespread deployment, as a
product of good judgement rather than underdelivery - and how would we
do that without losing momentum?  I'm not sure I have many answers at
the moment, but the discussion would be worthwhile.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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