Clarifying UDS Tracks

Duncan McGreggor duncan.mcgreggor at
Fri Oct 8 14:21:29 BST 2010

On 10/07/2010 10:51 AM, Jono Bacon wrote:
> Hi All,
> There has been a little confusion surrounding the tracks at UDS, and I
> wanted to send out a quick email clarifying the situation.
> After the last UDS we performed some research and evaluated the results
> of the UDS Survey and identified that a common problem with the original
> track format ("desktop", "server", "community" etc) was that it was
> difficult to encourage cross-team discussion. Another issue was that it
> was difficult for participants to have a general idea of what was going
> to be some common themes at UDS.
> To try and solve this, we have decided to trial some topic based tracks
> instead of team based tracks. We hope this will encourage a mix of
> different teams and skillsets joining areas of common interest.
> Matt Zimmerman and Rick Spencer spent some time assessing a suitable set
> of tracks and the following have been 
>       * Hardware Compatibility
>       * Ubuntu the Project
>       * Application Selection and Defaults
>       * Application Developers
>       * Cloud Infrastructure
>       * Performance
>       * Multimedia
>       * Other
> More details on these tracks is available at
> To be clear, not all sessions will neatly fit into these tracks, and
> this is why we have the 'Other' track.

Thanks for clarifying this, Jono. Mad props to everyone for this new
approach to UDS and getting things sorted out in so little time and
under so much pressure.

I've also publicly declared my delight in and support of this on my blog :-)

Thanks again everyone!


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