FFE: Setting Ubuntu Font As Default
Jan Claeys
lists at janc.be
Sat Oct 2 05:25:26 BST 2010
Op vrijdag 01-10-2010 om 02:42 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Scott
> On 10/01/2010 02:26 AM, Alan Pope wrote:
> > On 1 October 2010 10:07, Scott Ritchie <scott at open-vote.org> wrote:
> >> We have these policies because they're good software engineering
> >> practice. It matters that, for instance, the screenshots in the
> >> documentation actually look like the operating system.
> > Which screenshots would those be?
> >
> > As far as I know the official documentation doesn't actually have any
> > screenshots.
> Not just official documentation, but third party stuff.
And I suppose the installer slideshow screenshots are considered
"official" anyway...?
I think any changes that affect the doc or translation teams after the
"freeze" of what they work on (basically the point when they can start
to work for real) should go through mandatory advice by an independent
representative of those teams. (And by "mandatory advice", I mean by
somebody who has serious pushback-powers... ;) )
Jan Claeys
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