brainstorming for UDS-N - Graphics

Stéphane Graber stgraber at
Fri Oct 1 21:43:27 BST 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 10:57 +1000, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:
> We've reached a point in the development of the graphics stack where we
> can reasonably expect the vast majority of hardware to Just Work™, and
> (for the drivers that we can control) this now includes doing a
> reasonable thing when a new monitor is plugged in.
> I'd like to get two things done:
> 1) Make sure that we've got a coherent multi-monitor user experience
> planned out - this involves the whole stack, from kernel to X to desktop
> environment, so we it would be good to have an overall goal that we can
> ensure each level of the stack supports.

Something that I think would help a lot of users is not only to have a
coherent multi-monitor across the whole OS but also have it being
remembered and restored properly.

I know quite a lot of people who quite often have to use external
monitors in conference rooms, at their desk and back home. These
monitors usually have different resolutions and in some cases you want
to extend your desktop, in some others you just want a basic clone of
your output.

In an idea world, whenever I first plug a device I'd get prompted to
1) Ignore it
2) Configure it (through gnome-display-properties)

And once it's been done once, it'd be save somewhere and re-applied
whenever that same device is plugged again. That'd make everyone save
quite a bit of time and make Ubuntu super-clean when doing presentations
or giving talks.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to discussing that in more details at
UDS as that's clearly an area where there's room for improvement.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer
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