brainstorming for UDS-N - Graphics

Christopher James Halse Rogers raof at
Fri Oct 1 01:57:17 BST 2010

We've reached a point in the development of the graphics stack where we
can reasonably expect the vast majority of hardware to Just Work™, and
(for the drivers that we can control) this now includes doing a
reasonable thing when a new monitor is plugged in.

I'd like to get two things done:
1) Make sure that we've got a coherent multi-monitor user experience
planned out - this involves the whole stack, from kernel to X to desktop
environment, so we it would be good to have an overall goal that we can
ensure each level of the stack supports.

2) Now that almost all hardware that we can make Just Work does, in
fact, Just Work, we need to grapple with how to handle the hardware that
we *can't* make Just Work.  Some monitors don't send EDIDs, some KVM
switches strip off DDC, some monitors send just plain wrong data.  We
need some way of handling these cases, now that we've got the 90%.
Again, this traverses the whole stack, from UI design to kernel.

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