Discontinuation of libhid library in Ubuntu 10.10 causes problems for psytoolkit

Benjamin Drung bdrung at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 29 22:08:03 GMT 2010

Am Samstag, den 27.11.2010, 01:36 -0800 schrieb psytoolkit:
> Background info:
> psytoolkit is not part of ubuntu or debian repositories, because psytoolkit is only
> used by a small group of people. That said, it is a professional package of importance.

A small user base is not a reason for having the software not in the
Debian/Ubuntu archive. You should get this package into Debian (and
Ubuntu) instead of maintaining a deb package outside.

Benjamin Drung
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Maintainer (www.debian.org)
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