slowness of syncing process

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at
Tue Mar 23 20:47:41 GMT 2010


I've filed a number of sync requests lately, and am a bit worried by the
time it takes for them to be processed (~ 1 week in most cases).  I
didn't have anything super-urgent to sync to Ubuntu, but syncing later
- increased delays for transitions we might want to pick up from
  Debian (especially for those that require several steps)
- less testing in Ubuntu for those packages
- developers getting discouraged and not syncing useful fixes just
  because the process is taking too long

Wouldn't it be possible to improve the process? The syncing process
starts to smell like the Debian NEW queue (in the past) to me ;)
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at |
| jabber: lucas at             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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