Analysis of 10 years of

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed Jan 27 07:41:50 GMT 2010

Ted Gould [2010-01-26 16:40 -0600]:
> I'm going to guess now, or at least not in the way that you expect.  And
> one of the reason there is apport.  I'll tend to file bugs that then get
> labeled as duplicates by apport, but I couldn't have made that decision
> myself so I filled them anyway.

This only applies to crashes, though, which are already special in a
way that they are uniform, can be clearly identified and filtered by
tag or description, and get reported/duplicated automatically.

I think the real bug reports are a much harder problem to tackle;
obviously we don't have a magic way to auto-dupe bugs. (Patches
appreciated, of course! :-) )

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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