Analysis of 10 years of

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at
Tue Jan 26 16:36:15 GMT 2010

Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> writes:
>I haven't watched the video, but scanned over the slides and found them
>"Diederik van Liere is a postdoc at Toronto’s Rotman School of Business. His
>passion: finding out whether open source communities actually make software
>better, faster. With this in mind he’s taken an in depth look at 10 years of
> data to look for bug fixing patterns."

I agree -- that slide deck is very comprehensible.  Actually, I found it
easier to digest than the video presentation.  Here are the slides:

Most interesting graph: correlation between the level of experience of
bug submitter and tendency of that bug to get fixed.

>Is anyone up for doing (or arranging) a similar analysis of Ubuntu bugs?

I'm planning to do something similar, but to do it right -- usefully --
will be non-trivial, so it's going to be after my current coding
rotation on the Launchpad Bugs Team, which ends in a couple of months.
(This rotation is suggesting various better ways to measure anyway.)


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