Place for DDs and DMs to request syncs
Lucas Nussbaum
lucas at
Sat Aug 14 09:06:42 BST 2010
On 13/08/10 at 09:41 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 10:15:19AM -0400, Jorge O. Castro wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Lucas has been asking around DDs and DMs on how we can make the sync
> > process more effective for them since requestsync requires people to
> > have an LP account, upload their key, etc. Initial ideas included a
> > mailing list for this kind of thing, which I am against because
> > everyone hates new lists and I would like to encourage this kind of
> > discussion to happen in existing lists instead of segregated out.
> > Would ubuntu-devel@ be an appropriate list for this kind of thing?
> What's the problem with having a LP account and uploading keys?
It adds another barrier to entry for Debian maintainers who are
interested in helping Ubuntu by suggesting that specific versions of
their packages should be synced to Ubuntu, but are not interested in
learning too many details about Ubuntu development processes.
According to my informal offline polling, many DDs didn't know that
requestsync existed and was available in Debian (in ubuntu-dev-tools),
and will start using it. But I think that a fallback solution for those
who don't want to go this route would still be nice.
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