Uploading new packages to Debian instead of Ubuntu [was Re: Skeletor?]

Karl Goetz karl at kgoetz.id.au
Tue Aug 3 12:53:54 BST 2010

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010 22:02:58 +0100
Iain Lane <laney at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hiya,


> [ ccing debian-derivatives: This is a thread[-1] which started on
> ubuntu-devel, and which I've turned into a thread about uploading new
> packages to Debian instead of Ubuntu directly. It's not really about
> Canonical software, more general packages.
> Input is sought about your POV on this. Specifically whether you
> think, in general, that us redirecting contributors from REVU (our
> mentors equivalent) to Debian is something that should
> happen/continue. ]

Maintaining the CC, but in reverse :)

> Replying to both mails in one.
> On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 02:49:10PM -0500, Micah Gersten wrote:
> >On 08/02/2010 02:35 PM, Paul Sladen wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> >>> pushing more for the packages to go to Debian first and then sync

> >> Back when people like Scott and mjg59 were still DDs I found it
> >> relatively easy (and therefore not overly onorous) to get uploads
> >> done on a semi-predictable turn-around.
> Actually, in addition to what I've said above, we now have the
> #debian-ubuntu channel on OFTC set up. I believe that one function of
> this channel could be to facilitate sponsorship in Debian. There's

Sounds sensible.

> >> The question is, how to return to that situation of a
> >> semi-reliable 24-hour turn-around without forcing everyone through
> >> the Debian New Maintainer process in parallel.  Presumably the
> >> reason people are following the /Ubuntu/ path in the first place
> >> is because of a perception of an easier welcome with gradulated
> >> steps to direct involvement.
> There are many great things that MOTU hopefuls and MOTUs can do, but I
> don't think that (in general), maintaining entirely new packages
> has proved to be one of these things.

I assume ubuntu people would be willing to start helping to maintain
packages in colab-maint without upload rights, this would help reduce
the number of people needed to upload initially. If some people then
want to try for DM i guess they could go through NM and get the
DM-upload set after a time to help spread the burden of uploads.

> >Another side of that argument is, do we really want to take in a lot
> >of packages without that maintenance commitment?  The nice thing of
> >pushing through Debian is that someone is committing to maintaining
> >the package.

Unless it gets added to the 600+ O's and 150~ RFA'd packages

> > Also, I think bdrung or someone said in -motu that make sure the
> >packaging is up to standards and then push through Debian.  Without
> >the actual commitment of maintenance, MOTU ends up with a lot more
> >work to do.  Maybe we should find a way to get more MOTUs in the
> >position to sponsor uploads in Debian as well?

Wouldn't that mean they have to become DDs?

> One of my Big Things is contributing to Debian directly instead of
> making uploads to Ubuntu. I think that MOTU functions best when it
> performs a QA role, and that everything is so much smoother when work
> is done as far upstream as possible. Most packages — especially ones
> that turn up on REVU — will work on both distributions using exactly
> the same source package.

I'm also interested in the 'maintain in debian' thought, but i'll try to
follow that up in a slightly more generic thread on d-derivatives.

> [-1]
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-August/031034.html
> [0] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams#Packagingteams
> [1] http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100629

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group
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