Action required from Summer of Code mentors

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Tue Apr 20 09:55:32 BST 2010

On 12.04.2010 17:13, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Reviewing and Ranking Proposals:
> 1. Make sure your profile as a mentor is updated in Google:
> 2. Reviewing the proposals
> 3. Comments on Applications
> 4. Scoring Applications

April 21:
 - 07:00 UTC:  All mentors must be signed up and all student
               proposals matched with a mentor
 - 17:00 UTC:  Student ranking/scoring deadline. Please do not
               add private comments with a nonzero score or mark
               students as ineligible (unless doing so as part
               of resolving duplicate accepted students) after
               this deadline

For the date-and-time impaired: that's TOMORROW!

Have a great day,

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