Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Quality Bug Status Report - April 1, 2010

Marjo Mercado marjo.mercado at canonical.com
Thu Apr 1 20:22:35 BST 2010

Hello Ubuntu Developers,

We're on our way to the end game for the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release.

28 days left and 273 bug tasks to fix [1]
Lucid Final Freeze - 15 April 2010 (14 days away)
Barring no new work, we need to fix 10 bug tasks a day now

The focus of the bug fixing should be on the following criteria:

1. Critical [3]
2. Regression Potential [4]
3. High [5]

The Canonical Desktop Team needs to deal with 19 bug tasks
Chris Coulson is the most overtasked with 9 bug tasks
Martin Pitt is rockin' with 75 bug tasks fixed
Yesterday's hero was Colin Watson with 5 bug tasks fixed

Thank you for your focus on quality.



[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs
[2] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html

Marjo F. Mercado
Ubuntu QA Team Manager
W: (917) 338-6551
IRC: marjo

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