UEC/Eucalyptus installation test: 20090927.1

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Sun Sep 27 22:28:56 BST 2009

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 01:10:42PM -0700, Daniel Nurmi wrote:
> eucalyptus-cloud

euca_conf contains logic I can use to check if the cloud is running.

> eucalyptus-walrus (requires that 'cloud' and 'walrus' is up in order to
> complete walrus registration)

How can I check that 'walrus' is up and running?

> eucalyptus-sc (requires that 'cloud' and 'sc' is up in order to complete sc
> registration)

Same question, how can I check that it's running?

> eucalyptus-cc (requires that 'cloud' is up in order to complete cluster
> registration, and that 'cc' is up to complete node registration)

euca_conf contains logic I can use to check if the CC is running.

I need answers to the above in order to complete the auto-registration work.

 - mdz

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