today's UEC report

Thierry Carrez thierry.carrez at
Mon Oct 5 10:35:44 BST 2009

Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:05:31AM +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Matt Zimmerman wrote:
>>> In order to test the fresh install case, I:
>>> - upgraded my KVM image to the latest server bits, including the fixed upstart
>>> - purged eucalyptus
>>> - diverted /sbin/start and /sbin/restart
>>> - installed your packages
>>> - rebooted
>>> [...]
>>> Two strange things happened:
>>> - It looks as if SC registration succeeded, then failed several times, then
>>>   succeeded again
>> I'd say SC registration succeeded on first install
> See above where I diverted /sbin/start and /sbin/restart during package
> installation: nothing was started until after the reboot.
>>> - After they were successfully registered, it looks like CC and Walrus
>>>   registration were attempted a second time and failed
>> CC and Walrus registration probably fails when you try to register
>> "again". So they got registered at install/startup time, but
>> re-registration on reboot failed (there is no "respawn" in those ones).
> As above.
> It's a bit of a mystery, but if no one else can reproduce, I'm willing to
> write it off, as there were enough manual steps that I could have made an
> error.

Hah, sorry, I missed that part.

FWIW, I'm in the middle of a complete 20091004 daily CD install/run.
Autoregistration failed from the CD install: after the reboot I ended up
with only the "ERROR: you need to be on the CLC host and the CLC needs
to be running." line(s) in the registration logs. Stopping and starting
eucalyptus, it autoregistered correctly...

Thierry Carrez
Technical lead, Ubuntu server team || Canonical Ltd.

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