Testing of new humanity-icon-theme package

Loïc Minier loic.minier at ubuntu.com
Sun Oct 4 22:14:46 BST 2009


 I've pushed a new humanity-icon-theme package to my PPA which has
 notably slightly darker versions of the notification icons for the
 desktop.  There's also a new Humanity-Dark theme which is aimed at UNR
 and which has lighter versions of these icons.

 Testers are welcome!  Package humanity-icon-theme 0.4.1-0ubuntu1~dooz3:
 https://launchpad.net/~lool/+archive/ppa/+build/1275737 (building)
 in my PPA (ppa:lool/ppa):

 For UNR users, for now you need to set the following GConf key to
 Humanity-Dark to switch to the new icon theme:

 The goal of this testing is to catch any regression in the icons; the
 update aims at having more readable icons and more black and white
 system icons.  File bugs against the humanity-icon-theme source

Loïc Minier

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