Notifications: uselessness of

Laurent moky.math at
Tue Mar 3 14:47:17 GMT 2009

Nerijus ha scritto:
> Those, who do not install OSes themselves usually do not update anything,
> unless they are told that it is OK and taught HOW to do it.
I my personal experience (which is limited to have installed 5 Ubuntu's 
on non-expert friend's computers), I have the same impression. The users 
divide in two categories

1. the ones who say "updates ? I don"t care; even security holes : there 
are no viruses on Linux and even with viruses, I don't care : I have 
nothing to hide on my computer, no personal data, no agenda, nothing"

2. the ones who care.

We all agree here that the reasons invoked by the first group are 
terribly wrong, and are the result of deep misunderstanding of many 
points in general informatics... however...

The first group will NEVER make the updates, a part with an automatic 
system which don't even notify. What we need to do for them is 
*education*[1]; there are no real technical way to make them aware of 
the updates.

For the second group, the small old icon which appears is sufficient.

I personally don't know people in an intermediate state between these 
two categories. I suppose there exists some ... but I fear that they are 
very few.

My two cents
have a good afternoon

[1] btw, if someone knows a text that can explain me how to be 
persuasive in explaining that security updates are needed for everybody, 
I'm interested. Although I try very hard, I never succeeded to make that 
point clear in the head of non-expert users.

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