Foundations Team Weekly Report, 2009-06-26
Robbie Williamson
robbie at
Fri Jun 26 20:12:02 BST 2009
== Present ==
* RobbieWilliamson - chair
* ColinWatson
* EvanDandrea
* MichaelVogt
* MikeTerry
* MuharemHrnjadovic
* ScottJamesRemnant
## list additional participants here
== Apologies ==
* LarsWirzenius - On Holiday
* MatthiasKlose - on Canonical OEM Team rotational assignment
* SteveLangasek - Travelling back from
Boot Performance Sprint]]
== Agenda ==
* Karmic
* DebianImportFreeze is '''tomorrow''' - merge, merge, merge!!! :)
* glibc
* Status and Roadmap
* Reminder to Milestone Features
* Platform Team Sprint -
* 8.04.3 LTS Update
* Sponsorship queue
* Good news
* Great progress made at the
Boot Performance Sprint]]
== Outstanding actions from last meeting ==
* liw to enter the storm of dmraid and talk to TheMuso
* Keybuk to draft KMS on the Console spec....based on mysterious irc discussion
== Actions from this meeting ==
== Activity reports ==
=== Colin Watson ===
* Fixed ubiquity #361627 (should not remove ecryptfs-utils when in use).
* Merged: grub2, busybox, ubuntu-policy, gnu-efi, openldap
* Drafted specs: foundations-karmic-golden-iso-image,
* Reviewed/approved specs: foundations-karmic-install-updates-when-installing,
foundations-karmic-update-on-shutdown, foundations-karmic-power-management
* Fixed user-setup #388822 (username cannot have underscore during install).
* Sponsorship:
* iso-scan (merge from Muharem).
* Proposed a parted patch to clean up its current messy names for swap
partition types.
* Sent a few busybox patches upstream (and then argued about them).
* Sent a proposal for installer online help text to debian-boot.
* LWN interview regarding GRUB 2.
* Adjusted base-installer for new PAE kernel package naming.
* Dynamically linked busybox in the initramfs, saving a megabyte. Some other
shrinkage in initramfs-tools and dmraid.
* Worked on removing the old timezone map from ubiquity.
=== Evan Dandrea ===
* Helped Marc Tardiff with a few emails on his experiences with=ubiquity
automation. Verified that NTP preseeding was working, but filed bug 388343
after some discussion with Colin.
* Uploaded casper 1.132ubuntu0.3 to fix persistence support in 8.04.3.
* Tested Wubi r136 as a candidate to replace the version we have on the website
for 9.04. Filed a RT to have IS sign the binary.
* Had a discussion with Dylan McCall across the ubuntu-installer and
ubiquity-slideshow mailing lists about the best approach for a slide format,
then incorporating their existing work into the specification. Poked around the
webkitgtk code.
* Helped debug some installation issues in #ubuntu-installer for waters and mattn_
* Finished drafting the encrypted swap specification. Prodded Agostino and
Roman to finish their respective specs. All specifications are now approved.
* Email discussion with Michael Terry on what specifications and other work he
can pick up for 9.10.
* Sorted travel for Debcamp and the sprint.
* Email discussion with Belinda about notifying interested parties about
changes to oem-config.
* Did a bit of sponsorship work (LP: #380940, #384648, #349844)
* Looked into unit testing devkit-disks code via netlink messages, but after
some discussion with Scott found it's much easier and better practice to create
a fake devkit-disks.
* Looked into an issue of ubiquity ending up on the installed system, as
reported on ubuntu-devel.
* Wrote an article for the Partner Newsletter, per Larry's request.
* Email discussion with Tim on the likelihood of colinux ever making it into
the Ubuntu kernel. As this was a definite no, sent an email to ubuntu-devel
announcing that we will not be pursuing it for Wubi.
* Followed up with the Xandros user looking to install Ubuntu via USB on
ubuntu-devel, per Robbie's request.
* Started a conversation with Andrew Sayers on his specification.
Andrew expressed interest on helping with the m-a rewrite, so I'm going to touch
base with him when I return from vacation.
* Pushed Wubi r137 to Karmic.
* Hacked on the devkit backend / better backend split code for usb-creator.
* Reviewed rgreening's usb-creator backend work. Looks about ready, but I'll
have to make the necessary changes to the GTK frontend and pull in the devkit
backend when I return from vacation, as we're long overdue for a new release.
=== James Westby ===
==== Distributed Development ====
* Started importing lots of main, but slowed due to the the volume of mail
generated. Launchpad developers promptly fixed this, thanks. I've started the
import again.
* There are what appear to be similar problems causing the import of quite a
few packages to fail. Investigation of this not yet done.
==== Daily Builds ====
* Spec not completed, sorry. It will be done this week.
==== Kerneloops ====
* Spec drafted and approved. Much help from Martin Pitt on how to implement
the needed pieces in apport, thanks.
==== Distro tasks ====
* Some new packages so that we can have the new launchpadlib. Just one new
package left to do I think.
* Less sponsoring than I would have liked due to being away.
==== Other ====
* 4 days conference leave for Open Source Bridge
* Preparation and travel arrangements for DebConf.
=== Lars Wirzenius ===
=== Matthias Klose ===
=== Michael Vogt ===
==== Specs ====
* Set apt-pre-unpack spec to review
* KarmicInternalRepositoryManagment in review
==== update-manager ====
* Add code to the non-interactive upgrader to read the dpkg progress logs
(pre-unpack spec)
* Add code to libapt to output when dpkg is about to be forked on the status-fd
(pre-unpack spec)
* PAE kernel transition discussion
* misc bugfixes
* add auto-upgrade tester as its own package
* ship kubuntu and main-all in default profiles for the auto-upgrade tester
(plus lts-server and lts-ubuntu)
* fix problem with left-over kvm instances
* fixes in the auto-upgrade-tester cli interface
* upload new version with auto-upgrade-tester package
==== kernel-crashdump ====
* learn about it (including how to trigger it, use "crash" etc)
* fix grub to pass better crashfile= parameter (#389449)
* fixes in kexec-tools
* update crash and makecrashfile to new upstream versions (and fix libdw-dev
along the way)
* switch crash output to ELF by default, this got me a meaningful backtrace
with "crash" and the linux-image-debug kernel
* make it work by default once the "linux-crashdump" pacakge is installed
==== AppCenter ====
* AppCenter design discussion
* Update app-install-data with the keyword data from mpt
* discussion about dbus apt backend with glatzor
* add debconf support to aptdaemon based around passthrough frontend and a
debconf socket (lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/debconf)
==== misc ====
* Merge the confflictschecker changes by sbeattie to macaroni and make it run
again (yeah!)
* Fix ubuntu-vm-builder problem (vol_id -> blkid)
* Synaptic: merge i18n fix
* Fix bugAddress in software-properties
* Debug/fix apt scoring problem with recommends (in the problem resolver)
==== sponsoring ====
* smartmontools, metacity, gnome-games
=== Mike Terry ===
==== Merges ====
* Re-merged hdparm
* Updated duplicity
==== Rsyslog ====
* Finished de-rooting it
* Polished upgrade/migration code
* Filed MIRs
* Waiting on review
==== Ubiquity/oem-config merge ====
* Spent a while on merging the oem-config codebase with ubiquity's
* Kept history and format by using bzr-merge-into plugin
* Now there are very few oem-config-specific files, there are just bits of code
that behave differently when run as oem-config.
* Have something that builds, have not tested yet. Will upload as a bzr branch
=== Muharem Hrnjadovic ===
==== Administrivia ====
* Took care of Platform sprint travel arrangements
==== Merges and syncs ====
* iso-scan_1.28ubuntu1
* dput 0.9.4ubuntu1
* lcms_1.18.dfsg-1
* netbase_4.35ubuntu1
* gawk_3.1.6.dfsg-3ubuntu1
* ifplugd_0.28-15ubuntu1
* rabbitmq-server 1.6.0-1
* texmaker_1.9.1-1ubuntu1
* crash_4.0-8.9-1
==== Distributed development ====
* I felt I needed a bit more background so went back and read all the specs
on the subject
* started using bzr-builddeb in order to understand the underlying ideas better.
* analysis and study of the bzr-rebase plugin source code.
=== Scott James Remnant ===
==== Upstart ====
* Upstream license reverted back to GPLv2 (from GPLv3)
* Much bug fixing, with several new releases: 0.3.10 and 0.3.11 of the stable
branch (uploaded to Ubuntu) and 0.5.2 and 0.5.3 of the development branch
==== Kernel ====
* More fiddling with trying to get the populate_rootfs() call to be async, not
having much luck yet - the first thing that the initcalls do is resync - may
have to move the function a bit later on
* Union mount testing
==== Udev ====
* Updated bzr tree to 143, including necessary rules and control changes caused
by the inclusion of the udev-extras code (not yet uploaded)
==== Other ====
* Debian/Ubuntu Boot sprint
=== Steve Langasek ===
==== Release management ====
* release meeting: FeatureDefinitionFreeze
* Ubuntu 8.04.3 work
==== Specs ====
* following up on Debian LTS coordination
==== Misc ====
* boot performance sprint in London
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