Stable GNOME updates, how could be do better?

Jason Taylor killerkiwi2005 at
Wed Jul 29 22:19:14 BST 2009

>  What I dislike about the SRU process is that all updates are treated
>  equal: the most trivial updates require a lot of paperwork and have to
>  sit for at least ten days, and the most wide ranging updates require
>  just as much paperwork and might move to -updates after *only* ten days
>  (and perhaps too little testing).
>   I wish we'd have a better relation between pain/time to prepare a SRU
>  and risk/complexity of the update.  I do understand that even small
>  updates can have damaging effects though.

Indeed many packages could be updated with very low risk.. a package
like supertux should not have the same risk as x-org...

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