UbuntuDistributedDevelopment Call Notes - Jan 20th 2009

Jono Bacon jono at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 20 17:59:08 GMT 2009

Hi Folks,

Some notes from a call I scheduled with Daniel Holbach and James Westby 
regarding UbuntuDistributedDevelopment.

== Right now ==

Some of the implementation work complete:

    * Branches are available (read-only), but not in Launchpad
    * People can generate patches that can be then used with sponsorship
      queue in the current manner.
    * History can be viewed easily.
    * It is easy to find a diff between hardy and intrepid packages
      (diffing with Debian is not currently implemented).

== Plan ==

    * Merges will be easy.
    * Stats will make it easy to see differences between Debian and Ubuntu.
    * People wil hack in a change, commit to their branch and propose
    * Jono Lang workng on Launchpad changes: Tim Penhey and Kiko leading

== Community Considerations ==

We discussed many of the community-related elements to be considered in 
launching this technology:

    * Documentation needs
    * How sponsoring works
    * Educating the community in these new processes

There will be no governance implications for this new process other than 
MOTU Council members aknowledging this process as a valid method of 

Education Campaign:

    * UbuntuDistributedDevelopment Day - IRC tutorials, video tutorials,
    * LoCo Involvement for Presentation - factor into release parties?
    * Documentation:
          o Packaging Guide
          o Recipes
          o Daniel to identify requirements

== Actions ==

    *   Daniel to identify documentation requirements for UDD.
    *   Daniel to identify current users and encourage use.
    *   James to ask about potential timelines.



Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org

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