Auto-launching of applications

( ``-_-´´ ) -- BUGabundo ubuntu at
Thu Feb 26 23:38:44 GMT 2009

Olá David e a todos.

On Thursday 26 February 2009 11:54:54 David Barth wrote:
> (``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo wrote:
> The popups we're displaying (update manager is an example) are set with 
> set_focus_on_map to FALSE, which means they shouldn't steal the focus.
> This was recently added to the developer's guideline document here: 

Yes, I've been keeping pair with the discussion, and have read the guidelines. Still we can expect that some applications will not obey what the WM states.

> See

I got that link from the meetings minutes, and am already subscribed to it. You can see me there _waiving_!

> > I've started a thread a few weeks back, on both -devel and -devel-discuss, called:
> >  [RFC] Improve communication with testing users about master key changes in development branches
> > that didnt get much traction, and in the light of your words I would like to resurrect.
> >   
> Sorry if I miss the point here, but aren't the release notes meant for 
> that? If they are updated during the development cycle, that would 
> provide a good feed to subscribe to, and is still in a format 
> appropriate for listing /major/ changes impacting a user (as opposed to 
> a full changelog for developers).

Please to my original email, where I mention that.
Currently, during development there isnt a Release Note, but only Milestone and Technical Overview. As I said before, this information is dispersed (ok in this case it even makes sense since they are targeted to different users), but I (and many more testers) feel that it still lacks some of the reasoning. Besides it also lacks the changes done upstream and ported to ubuntu land. I already discuss this with Dan on the List, and with Alexander on IRC. I got the feeling that Canonical devs feel that upstream changes should be ported and let the community find by them selves what and how it changed.
Please understand that I have no intention of flaming anyone here, just wishing to improve how things are done for the benefit of the community and testers.

Hi, I'm BUGabundo, and I am Ubuntu (
Linux user #443786    GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance. I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...
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