Pulseaudio 0.9.15~test1 now available in my PPA.

Luke Yelavich themuso at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 6 15:35:38 GMT 2009

Hi all

I have made the latest test version of pulseaudio, 0.9.15-test1 available in my PPA, https://launchpad.net/~themuso/+archive/ppa, for jaunty. This is a test version of pulseaudio that has just been released, before the final 0.9.15 release due next week. I would appreciate it if people would test it, and get back to me on any issues you discover, particularly regressions from 0.9.14.

NOTE I do not plan to put 0.9.15 into jaunty, since too much in pulseaudio has changed to be sure of things being stable enough for the jaunty release, but testing newer versions is always useful for Ubuntu, and upstream.

Thanks in advance for any testing you may be able to do.

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