Ubuntu Software Store: What it does, and how you can help

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at err.no
Fri Aug 28 22:48:42 BST 2009

]] Matthew Paul Thomas 

| Matthew East wrote on 27/08/09 20:20:
| > I can see from the spec (and LP answer 81103) that it will be possible
| > to purchase software from this app in the future, but it will also be
| > possible to get software for free there, and for that reason I think a
| > neutral name that fits both is preferable.
| The nifty thing about "store" is that it has those two meanings --
| shop, and repository -- and both of them are appropriate.

This might be true for English, but it's certainly not true for all
other languages.  When it gets translated, it'll probably either be
translated to what you'd translate «shop» to, or to what you'd translate
«storage facility» to.  To make matters worse, it might well be
translated differently for different languages.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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