Foundations Team Weekly Summary, 2009-04-15

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Fri Apr 17 19:48:20 BST 2009

Apologies for missing the prior two weeks, Activity Reports for those can be
found here:

== Present ==

 * RobbieWilliamson - chair
 * ColinWatson
 * EvanDandrea
 * JamesWestby
 * LarsWirzenius
 * LukeYelavich
 * MatthiasKlose
 * MichaelVogt
 * ScottJamesRemnant
 * SteveLangasek

== Apologies ==

== Agenda ==

 * Any business from activity reports
 * Good news
 * AOB

== Activity reports ==

=== Colin Watson ===
 * Installer bug-fixing:
  * lvm2 #341928 (consistently reproducible "device or resource busy" error on
  * partman-base #357725 (hangs when creating a partition on the install medium
  * ubiquity #356813 (ubiquity-dm in Debian could not launch a NetworkManager).
  * console-setup/ubiquity/oem-config #356816 (kz layout is non-Latin).
  * ubiquity/oem-config #356794 (installation in pt_BR shows Noronha as the
default timezone).
  * Partial fix for open-iscsi #236640 (iSCSI install fails).
  * ubiquity #358548 (stray warning images in KDE frontend).
  * ubiquity #358961 (broken window icon).

 * Taught cdimage how to generate HTML indices for armel's .img files.

 * Finally finished and uploaded fix for wpasupplicant #44194 (wpasupplicant
doesn't start when the network starts).

 * Lots of miscellaneous bug triage/reproduction, and bits and pieces of archive

 * Started 9.04 release notes.

=== Evan Dandrea ===
 * Not provided as of yet, but rest assured it's the week before the release, so
he is ACTIVE! :)

=== James Westby ===
==== Daily Builds ====
  * Initial implementation of the 'bzr-builder' plugin is complete. This takes a
'recipe' file and spits out a tree that the instructions tell it to, allowing
for nesting and merging.
    * The parser that reads the file format and produces a data structure based
on it is done. It doesn't always produce the most helpful errors that it could,
and its validation of things like branch ids not being repeated needs to be
improved, but it should parse the full format as currently specified.
    * The function that constructs the tree based on the data structure is also
done. There may be edge cases which cause it to crash, but it works for the
testing so far done. It could also be extended somewhat to allow for things like
specifying a merge directive as the branch to merge from if that was deemed
    * These two things are wrapped up in to a "bzr builder" command that takes
the location of a recipe file and working directory to place the result it. This
should work the same way for the      first run and the nth run using the same
working directory, with any changes in the branches being pulled in.
    * Turning this in to a source package is the next step, though that should
be straightforward as you just need to run "debuild -S" in the tree when you
have it to produce a source package. However, if you wish to produce a
non-native package then you need to get a tarball from somewhere, and the
current specification doesn't account for that. It is much easier to produce a
native package every time, and as the aim is to upload new upstream code every
day the savings from re-using the tarball in the archive are lessened.
    * Uploading to a PPA also needs to be done, but again, we have tools to do
that, so it's just a case of hooking them together.
    * There is currently no manifest generation, so the function that builds the
tree needs to record what revisions were used, and then a second function can be
added to write the manifest.
    * Documentation (both code and use) is lacking.

==== Distributed Development ====
  * Deployed the lplib based importer to, after some
transition problems this is working quite nicely, and has reduced the latency
from ACCEPT to available on that site significantly. (Thanks to LaMont for
helping with some teething problems).
  * Developed debconf proposal with
  * Fixed a couple of bugs in bzr-builddeb and uploaded to Jaunty.

==== Jaunty ====
  * Fixed an RC bug in system-tools-backends.
  * Helped with dealing with the fallout from the python regression.
  * No sponsoring/archive admin, sorry.

==== Other ====
  * DebConf registration.

=== Lars Wirzenius ===
==== Done this week ====
 * Upgraded laptop, desktop to jaunty. No serious problems. metacity has changed
its focus handling again, to the worse. gnome-display-properties can't set my
external screen's resolution correctly.
 * Helped Colin Watson test new wpasupplicant package.
 * Debconf9 registration, talk and workshop proposals.

==== Remaining from past weeks ====

==== Plans for the coming week ====
 * React to bugs.

=== Luke Yelavich ===
==== Accessibility ====
 * Updated gnome-orca, accerciser, and gnome-mag to latest versions for GNOME
 * More spec drafting

==== Audio ====
 * Audio bug triaging
 * Thanks to Daniel Chen and mdz, uploaded more bug fixes for PulseAudio, and alsa.
 * Start preparing packaging for 0.9.15 final version to be put into my PPA.
 * Submitted a patch to the kernel team to disable the hda beep config for
amd64/i386 in the kernel.
 * Started looking at Debian/upstream packaging/new versions for karmic.

==== dmraid ====
 * A bit of dmraid bug triaging.

=== Matthias Klose ===
Apr 08, 09: vacation
 * openjdk-6 fixes, integration of ARM patches, update for the plugin.
 * python compatibility fixes, fix python build failures, aclocal macro fixes.
 * toolchain updates for proposed (ARM, hardening tests).
 * prepared python 2.6.2 final.

=== Michael Vogt ===
 * Not provided as of yet, but rest assured it's the week before the release, so
he is ACTIVE! :)

=== Scott James Remnant ===
 * Attended the Linux Collaboration Summit

=== Steve Langasek ===
==== Release ====
 * freeze for release
 * freeze exception processing
 * MIRs for component-mismatches cleanup
 * RC preparations

==== Sponsorship ====
 * visualvm (bug #348712)
 * system-tools-backends (bug #316756)
 * opal, ptlib (bug #353768)

==== Packages ====
 * python-support
 * pygments, moin, jquery, libitext-java, glib2.0, bouncycastle, jinja,
libxml-twig-perl, bootchart (component-mismatches cleanups)
 * pyscrabble (NBS cleanup)
 * gnome-games (cd sizing fix)

Robbie Williamson                     		    robbie at

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