Proposed changes to workflow bug management

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed May 28 07:31:23 BST 2008

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort [2008-05-27  9:50 +0200]:
> Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > I'd encourage anyone with ideas on how avoiding these bugs could be added to 
> > the standard bug triage workflow in a reasonable way to discuss it on the 
> > bugsquad mailing list.  Perhaps there's another way that'll be effective for 
> > them that doesn't impact to extensively on the existing workflow.
> I proposed before UDS to assign these workflow bugs to teams (e.g.
> ubuntu-archive for confirmed syncs, ubuntu-{universe,main}-sponsors for
> sponsorship requests, ubuntu-mir for MIR reports...

That would not work too well for me (with my MIR, SRU, and archive hat
on). I am a firmly opposed to assigning bugs to teams, since that
makes it nobody's responsibility and hides the fact that a bug is
basically ignored (in non-workflow bugs). For workflow bugs,
unassigned bugs means "someone in the team needs to look at it", and
in some cases we grab particular bugs (assign to a team member) for

> I was told bugsquad list of bugs exclude bugs with an assignee (and bugs with
> status >= In Progress), so if that's true, this might be a good way. I
> personally don't like the idea of making them private...

I tend to agree. I wouldn't mind too much if they became private, but
there is no inherent reason why they should be; it would just be a
(bad) technical workaround for basically a social problem.

Isn't the main problem here that some bug triagers do not seem to know
about these kinds of bugs, i. e. just an educational one? From my
personal experience this problem isn't very big, I rarely, if ever,
saw a workflow bug which was modified by triagers. If we see such an
instance, wouldn't it be enough to send some friendly words to the
person who made the change and point him to that wiki URL?


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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