Understanding how the ubuntu / xubuntu ISO is created

Josh Cronemeyer joshuacronemeyer at gmail.com
Fri May 23 02:33:58 BST 2008

Hope I've found the right place to ask this.  I want to create a distro
based on xubuntu and I want to have a nice standard build process that I
imagine the *buntus must have so that whenever I change some code, add a
package, etc. I get a new build that results in a new ISO installer, and so
that other people with debian/*buntu experience will be able to chip in if
they are interested.

I've found some useful links, but I feel that I could benefit from some
human help, advice, etc. on resources that will help me understand how to go
from a whole bunch of packages to a spiffy ISO installer.  It seems like the
xubuntu effort is a perfect model for what I am trying to accomplish.

BTW, I am specifically interested in the alternate installer rather than the

Links I've found useful:

Huge Regards!!!

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