OpenSync version for 8.04 (Re: Hardy: Time for sync project focus and here is how)

Fabian Rodriguez magicfab at
Wed Mar 19 19:22:06 GMT 2008

Colin Watson wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 05:45:51PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
>> opensync itself is in main, so would need some sponsor etc. I guess.
> For the record, the (only) reason it's in main is due to a
> build-dependency from kdepim. It can't be removed without adjusting
> that.
It's interesting Mandriva claims they have (or will have) flawless sync'
ing in their 2008 Spring release.

I have not followed the discussion here very closely but it may be worth
it to take a look at the announcement and discussion in,
which includes some details on what would be needed to bring this to
other distros (including a user stating he' s working on packages for
Hardy). Apologies in advance if this is already on your radar:



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