Java is now 100% free - maybe we should include it by default?

Pacheco Paul polo.pacheco at
Tue Jun 24 00:06:19 BST 2008

Matthias Klose a écrit :
> Przemysław Kulczycki schrieb:
>> Yesterday Java has been announced as 100% free.
>> Maybe Ubuntu could include this free implementation by default?
>> It's not too late to do that for Intrepid. Though I understand that it
>> would be easier to integrate it with Debian first.
>> What do you think about it?
> Despite the two blogs the current OpenJDK code drops still contain some code
> which is incompatible with our main section. So currently not a single
> distribution ships a completely free OpenJDK package, neither Fedora, Gentoo,
> nor Ubuntu. The outstanding bits are addressed upstream, and will hopefully be
> addressed with the next upstream code drop. Once these issues are addressed and
> packages available in intrepid, we will start the main inclusion process for
> OpenJDK.
>   Matthias
Installing new java version everytime you re install ubuntu is prety 
tyering... Its a very good news that java become 100% free now.

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