requesting for changes to be sent to debian before sponsoring an upload

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Thu Jun 19 16:03:34 BST 2008

Le jeudi 19 juin 2008 à 23:05 +0900, Emmet Hikory a écrit :
> Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> > Everybody will agree that sending changes to Debian is good thing, we
> > still have many packages that could be in sync but are not though

>     I'd like to encourage this practice of having the mergers push the
> changes to Debian, rather than it being a sponsor responsibility

Right, I was not suggesting to have the sponsor pushing the change but
just to wait until the change goes in the bts or upstream before
sponsoring the upload

>     I always measure whether sponsoring is required by the subscribers
> of the bug, rather than the title.  Given the interface involved, I'm
> not in favor of adjusting bug titles 

I was not suggesting to update the bug title dynamically either, but
currently contributors use "please merge version nnnn from debian" to
send their debdiff when they do an update. The title suggests that
somebody is asking you to do a merge which is on your list where in fact
they did the work already and are asking for a review and upload. 
Could we change the title used for those request to "please sponsor
merged version nnn" or similar?

Sebastien Bacher

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