Bugs reports about -proposed packages

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Thu Jun 5 02:19:27 BST 2008

On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 12:17:08PM +0200, Alexander Sack wrote:
> making reporters use apport would be good thing to get at least
> some basic package informations (like version) submitted
> automatically.
> Is there anything we can do to make more users use apport? Presenting
> a banner on launchpad's "report a bug" page? Reinstantiate the "Report
> a Bug" menu entry in the System menu for -proposed users?

There was some discussion on the QA track at UDS about this, and fairly
strong support for steering users to report bugs using a tool as a means to
ensure that basic information is automatically included in the bug.

This would also provide an opportunity to guide the user as to the correct
package on which to file their bug.

 - mdz

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