usplash missing for AMD64 users

Christopher James Halse Rogers chalserogers at
Wed Jan 23 06:57:08 GMT 2008

On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 08:26 -0500, Saïvann wrote:
> * Tollef Fog Heen
> > * Saïvann 
> >
> > | Launchpad bug #147623 describe a problem that all AMD64 ubuntu users
> > | with nvidia driver have, they don't see any usplash logo at boot.
> >
> > This is incorrect.  I'm using the nvidia driver and usplash works just
> > fine for me with my GeForce 7600GS.
> >   
> Do you use ubuntu for AMD64 architecture ? Just want to be sure of this
> because I did not see any nvidia card working yet on AMD64 ( on a fresh
> install without special kernel command lines ).

Works for me with both my AMD64 desktop's GeForce 6600GT and my C2D
x86-64 laptop's 7600Go out of the box.  All of the people with problems
on that bug report seemed to have very new cards (most seemed to have
8xxx series cards).  It's quite possible that all the new enough nvidia
cards have this problem, but I never have.  Plenty of other usplash
bugs, but not yours.
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