Question on multi-head Dapper->Hardy upgrades

Andreas Schildbach andreas at
Thu Feb 7 07:24:50 GMT 2008

Bryce Harrington wrote:

> What is our position on supporting upgrades of users with xorg.conf's
> that have Xinerama-based dual-head configurations to Hardy (where
> Xinerama is now deprecated)?  Is this an upgrade path that you are
> testing, or one we will not be supporting?

Are multi-head configurations actually supported with Hardy? ("support"
as of "help by the community", not technically)

I have the feeling that Ubuntu only supports single-head atm. and if
someone wants to go multihead, he is pretty much on his own. The
"Screens and Graphics" preferences do not even technically support
multihead on Intel chipsets with Gutsy, and last I checked Hardy will
not change the situation. This means that you will have to go to
command-line to configure your second screen, although an xorg.conf is
not needed any more.



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