[RFC] Moving Intrepid to 2.6.27 kernel

Ben Collins ben.collins at canonical.com
Mon Aug 25 03:38:34 BST 2008

Cory K. wrote:
> This move might stop Ubuntu Studio from a Intrepid release. Alessio has
> had major trouble with 2.6.26 (reason why there's no -rt in Intrepid so
> far) and the way we are nor doing the kernels. This move will surely set
> his -rt work back. Thus increasing the likelihood that Studio won't see
> a Intrepid release.
> I told him to send a email to the -kernel list asking for help. I'll
> poke him again.

If 2.6.26 is a problem, it is quickly coming to a point where the move 
to 2.6.27 wont even be an issue for Ubuntu Studio, since -rt will be too 
late, even for 2.6.26.

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