Most popular packages in universe (Re: Installing recommends and the CD size)

( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando ubuntu at
Mon Aug 18 16:35:18 BST 2008

Olá Matt e a todos.

On Friday 15 August 2008 09:39:18 Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 02:50:19PM +0200, Michael Vogt wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 10:25:45AM +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > > A list of "the most popular non-main packages" would be interesting to look
> > > at.
> > > 
> > > Oddly enough, is not that.  A
> > > quick glance shows that it contains lots of packages which are actually in
> > > main.
> > [..]
> > 
> > I'm investigating this and it should be fixed by tomorrow (the extact
> > time will depend on how long it takes to reprocessing the data).
> It looks like it's updated now.  The list is (unsurprisingly) skewed in
> favour of packages which were previously part of the default installation
> but are now in universe, but allowing for that and other fudge factors I
> interpret the "top ten" as:

1,2, and 5 for me should be by default. but i guess 1 will not, due to licensing 

BUGabundo  :o)
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