Installing recommends and the CD size

Scott Ritchie scott at
Fri Aug 8 23:07:09 BST 2008

Michael Vogt wrote:
> * we could build the CD without recommends and have additional dvd or
> 1gb usb stick images that contain the missing recommends so that
> people with more BW can just get those

Why don't we provide a full (8 GB) DVD image completely stuffed with
packages?  Not only a combination of the alternate, server, and desktop
CDs, every language pack and recommends, but also outfitted with the
most popular non-main packages as well?

It seems like a waste to not fill up a DVD.  Moreover, it is exceedingly
difficult to install a universe package without an internet connection,
especially if it has many universe dependencies.  Installing Wine
without internet, for instance, requires hand-downloading and install of
about 12 different .deb files even when the user has the DVD.

Scott Ritchie

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