Improvement of manpages in main, was: Long-Needed Addition to the Base

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Mon Aug 4 17:00:24 BST 2008

"Christopher Martin" <martin0641 at> writes:

> I would like to see an initiative to have an example section at
> the bottom of every man page that is officially supported in a package.  It's
> not hard, I would be happy to contribute here as well, but I think an official
> portal or Wiki to let end users generate the "best" implementations of the
> command strings used.  If there were say, 5 examples of the most common
> applications of the command, to show the proper command format and where some
> switches go and how to escape certain things (like spaces) and still have a
> functioning command.

That sounds like a very good idea. In order to get this done, may I
suggest the following procedure:

 - write a wiki page explaining the goal
 - define a launchpad bugtag
 - file bugs with patches against the affected packages
 - link to these bugs using the tag in the wiki page above

This way the progress can (easily) be tracked and developers and
non-developers can batch process these requests.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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