Progress in moving away from "multiuser"

James Westby jw+debian at
Sat Aug 2 19:50:54 BST 2008

Hi all,

I wanted to give an update on the progress in moving away
from the "multiuser" extension of update-rc.d, as per

I just made a quick check of the differences with Debian,
and found 18 packages still not moved, many of which were
merged this cycle. You can see the bugs I filed at

any help in fixing them would be greatly appreciated. You
can find instructions for doing so in Martin's mail referenced

I'd ask that everyone keeps an eye out for packages using
"multiuser" and fixes it when they touch the package.

I have been talking with Debian about this, and they are
happy for patches for the new scheme to be filed in the
BTS, so if you fix a package, or you find one that has
a diff from Debian to remove the stop links, please file
a bug in Debian with the patch.

As always, I'd ask that you use

when filing these bugs.



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