3 or 4 options for Desktop-Effects capplet?

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 21 22:02:07 BST 2007

On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 10:02:29PM +0200, Mirco Müller wrote:
> Greetings everybody!
Hello Mirco,
> 	Currently I'm working on a better UI for the Desktop-Effects capplet
> for gnome-control-center. I started to work on it during the
> compiz-sprint this week in London.
> 	Kenneth "kwwii" Wimer will provide proper Tango-icons for the options.

Thanks a lot for this, the current version in gutsy is really very
basic and your screenshots look a lot better :)
> The current question is to offer a fourth option "Custom Effects" or
> not. It is meant to start ccsm. The whole idea is to allow people to
> easily switch between the presets (no, normal, extra, custom). The
> "Custom Effects" will initially take whatever is current (either
> starting form the profile "Normal Effects" or "Extra Effects") and save
> a custom profile selectable via the "Custom Effects" option.

I think its good to have a "Custom Effects" setting to show that the
current set of plugins differs from the normal or extra set. Clicking
on "normal" or "extra effects" should then restore our defaults. 

But I do not think that we should direct users to ccsm. A lot of
people will click on advanced options just because there is something
to click and IMHO ccsm is not a tool for the casual user. We also do
not install it by default. So we would either have to install it by
default or we would have to add a option to install it if the user
clicks on the button (not ideal IMO). We could show the button if ccsm
is installed already. 

I think our defaults are now good enough and the kind of people who
want finer control will find it via synaptic or gnome-app-install.

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