Freetype changes

Flávio Martins xhaker at
Thu Sep 20 18:37:40 BST 2007

On 9/20/07, Matthew Garrett <mjg59 at> wrote:

It may be obvious that I'm concentrating on the terminal use case here,
> to the arguable exclusion of the (more common) graphical user interface
> case. The main reason I'm doing that is that I perceive the benefit to
> the general desktop case to be aesthetic rather than functional, and the
> degredation to the terminal case to be functional rather than aesthetic.
> Most of our developer base still use terminals for a lot of work, and
> making changes that impact their ability to do that has the potential to
> reduce our ability to develop the distribution.

I don't think this has the ability to disrupt development.
While normal users usually can't find the way to get better fonts in Ubuntu,
or anything for that matter not involving simple solutions, developers
certainly can,
always have and always will. I know I did find my way to get my solution
from Matti packages.
I think this can be comparable to xterm vs gnome-terminal.

I'd prefer to defer it until we have the
> confidence that we can get it into a more workable state.

We? Sorry Matthew, I'm seeing you somewhat alone there.

I don't mean to be mean, but I hope you're not deciding this.
You decided to ask for feedback after reverting the changes,
and now you SEEM to not be paying attention to other people's opinions.

I hope that this gets picked up for testing again like Scott thinks it

I think that it is quite obvious what my stance is here, I want this
by default, it looks good everywhere, in the Browser, in the DE's.
If the Terminal is a problem for SOME I am sure there will be easy
and settings that will make the rendering closer to the old.

I STRONGLY suggest a vote takes place.

Flávio Martins
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