Packages with menu file but no .desktop file

Eric Schwartz emschwar at
Thu Sep 20 04:35:10 BST 2007

The other day, a co-worker complained that when he installed tuxkart, he 
got a menu entry, but when he installed atanks, he didn't.  A bit of 
research showed the reason was that atanks had a menu file, but not a 
.desktop file, and ubuntu doesn't include the menu package by default.  
So, okay, no big deal; most packages have both menu and desktop files, 
but a surprisingly large number don't. 

A quick script later, I have a list of packages that have menu files, 
but not desktop files.  There's 2909 of them total; 403 in main, 109 in 
multiverse, and 2397 in universe.  I've attached the broken-out files.

Now, clearly, 2909 is a lot of packages, too many even for a mass 
bug-filing, I would imagine (I've never done one before, at least).  So 
at this point, I figure I'll just throw the question open.  I would 
suggest that at least any package in main should have a .desktop file, 
if only for usability's sake-- without a .desktop file a user might find 
it harder than expected to run a program they thought they installed.  
For universe and multiverse, eh, I figure if you enable those, you can 
do a bit of work.  But I'm CC:ing ubuntu-motu, on the grounds that their 
priorities can certainly be different.


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