[NetworkManager] blacklisting auto dhcp interfaces in gutsy

Alexander Sack asac at jwsdot.com
Mon Sep 10 09:52:54 BST 2007

On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 08:14:17PM -0700, J Jude wrote:
> I have been confused by network-manager versus /etc/network/interfaces
> issues before, so I applaud your efforts to come up with a sane
> solution.
> IMHO, one of the strengths of network-manager is that only one
> interface is active at a time.  There is little danger that a laptop
> connected inside my firewall can act as a gateway to some unknown
> wireless access point.  Will your proposal change this?

NM remembers the last AP it was successfully connected to and will try
to connect to that one first. If that isn't the case for you then please
open a bug so we can investigate.

 - Alexander

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